Aunty Margaret and Uncle Dan Machado get a Lomi.
Lomi can be so much fun.....
Alan Alapai from the island of Kauai who also gave a beautiful lecture on Ho'oponopono. What a nice song he had composed on Ho'oponopono, we all sang along.
Some of his words I remember:
"Turn off the mind. It's like a radio that's on 24 hours a day. Negative energies like fear and anger built walls around the heart. The heart has to work harder, the spirit in the heart cannot come out. So where is the switch to turn off the mind? It's easy if we understand that the mind is not us, it's other people's voices. We were all born baby boy or baby girl, this is the door to connect with Akua. Use the mind for school/work/business, then turn it off. The opposite of the mind is the heart where our true spirit is.
The world was meant to be a park. It is required for all of us to play 2, 3 times a day in the park.
The HA can make the bubbles.
It is not being in the flow... but turn off the mind... you are the flow. We are only the channel, all is Akua.
Singing is for the soul, singing is for the heart.
Hug... hearts touching eachother, it's a MANA exchange."